Master's Program in Economics

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Evaluating your application

Given that you have submitted your application with all the required documents, a selection committee will decide upon your suitability for admission. This committee checks the equivalence of your qualifications, in terms of both content and method, with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from LMU.

We will send you the result of the admissions procedure in writing within approximately two weeks after the application deadline. No binding statement can be made before that time.

If your qualification is a Bachelor's degree in Economics from LMU or if the equivalence of your qualification is determinded, and your grade is at least 2.00, you will be admitted to the Master’s Program by receiving a certificate of suitability. If your grade is between 2.00 and at least 2.50 we will invite you to take a written test of admission. Applicants will get an invitation by email at least two weeks before the date of the test.

If the equivalence of your qualification cannot be unambiguously established, but a proximity to Economics in terms of content and methods can be established, we will invite you to take a written test of admission in case your grade is at least 2.50. Applicants will get an invitation by email at least two weeks before the date of the test.

If neither the equivalence of your qualification nor the proximity to Economics in content and methods can be established, you can not be admitted to the program. In this case, you can apply again for the program in the following Winter Semester.

Please note that we can not provide judgement as to whether you are eligible for our program until we have reviewed all applications.